Apple has introduced its new technology, the LiDAR scanner in the Pro variant of the iPhone 12 Series last year. The technology is expected to be present in other variants this year.
Unfortunately, leaker Dylandkt predicts that the technology will still be exclusive to the Pro variant. According to him, Apple initially wanted to incorporate LiDAR technology into all variants of the iPhone 13 this year. However, for some reason the company changed its mind.
"Earlier this year it looked like Apple wanted to release all iPhone 13/12S models with LiDAR but for one reason or another, that won't happen this year," the @Dylandkt account said on Twitter.
There is a possibility that this is due to a lack of components or the cost is too high. So it eats up the company's profit margin. However, it is still not clear what causes it.
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Several netizens also commented on the @Dylandkt account upload. They also assessed that LiDAR may still be an exclusive technology in expensive variants.
"Exclusivity," wrote the netizen.
"Thank you for providing an updated report," added another.
Apple previously used LiDAR on the iPhone 12 Pro and Pro Max to help improve users' Augmented Reality (AR) experiences. It also helps with Portrait Mode while in Night Mode, and other camera enhancements.
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The LiDAR sensor is also able to measure a person's height. Not only that, this technology can also tell if someone is sitting or standing.